
Inspired by the colour and beauty of the Mediterranean region, Vivarea suits all types of playgrounds and offers a wide variety of combinations of essential play elements. The stimulating play activities are suitable for children aged 2 to 8 years. Vivarea features varied levels, spaces, shapes and heights. The colours are warm and stimulate feelings of joy and happiness. The nature of the materials provides stimulus for touch, and offer durability for withstanding weathering and high levels of use.

Many Vivarea units offer inclusive play design features. Proludic's unique "Grafic Games" colours and styles are available on selected Vivarea units.

Cheltondale Park, Wanneroo WA

27 Cheltondale Drive, Madeley WA
Cheltondale Park, Wanneroo WA

Proludic's first Grafic Games playground in Western Australia has been installed at Cheltondale Park! The City of Wanneroo wanted to incorporate abstract graphic artwork into the playground. Proludic's Grafic Games "Etnik" play equipment provided the pefect solution!  A Vivarea Multi Play item, Springers, Rotating items and a Proludic Picnic Table have been included in the playground.